Volunteers Needed
Calling all cowboys and cowgirls! The 2024 Rodney Fair will be here before we know it, and we’re on the lookout for spirited volunteers to join our amazing team! This is your chance to shine, make new friends, and contribute to one of the most awaited events in our community.
Volunteering at the Rodney Fair is not just about giving your time; it’s about creating joy, sharing smiles, and making lasting memories. Whether you’re manning a booth, guiding visitors, or helping set up the event, your efforts will help ensure the fair’s success.
So, if you’re eager to get involved, meet new people, and have a blast while making a difference, we’d love to have you on board. Let’s work together to make the 2024 Rodney Fair an unforgettable experience for everyone!
We need you, sign up today and be a part of something truly special!

Mark your calendars and grab your cowboy boots – we’re getting wild, West Elgin!
September 13th, 14th, and 15th, 2024
170th Anniversary Penmanship Contest
170th Anniversary Penmanship Contest
T’was the day of the Fair, and all through the grounds,
No carnies were stirring, but the floats were in town.
The exhibits and entries, all displayed with great care
In the hopes that the people, would come to the Fair.
The children still nestled, all snug in their beds
While the directors were spinning, especially our Ted.
Deb the treasurer counting money, Nancy the secretary taking calls
Were both preparing for the rush, bouncing off the wall.
When out on the infield, there arose such a clatter,
I ran to the grandstand, to see what was the matter.
Dave Goos and then Pearson, they flew like a flash
John Tunks running behind wearing the Ambassador sash.
The sun brightly shining, on Rodney this day
Gave the notion we were going to have a great day.
When, what to my wondering eyes should appear.
But Brien Cornwall driving his green John Deere.
I don’t dare say he was old and not so quick,
But I know there was a problem as he looked so sick.
More rapid than eagles, his coursers they came
And he whistled and shouted and called them by name.
Now, Shawn, you Flemings now Steve, Dan and Delynne
Come on Trisha Greg & Christine, Melanie, Laura and Lyn(da)
To the Legion we go, and don’t dare fall
Now dash away! Dash away! Dash away all!
So up to the Legion, the coursers they flew
With the John Deere, the gator, and an extra few too.
What is the problem, Allan Woolner exclaimed
Bill Haven’s face looked so very pained.
It’s all wrong, said Bernie, I need your help now.
The Mayor is furious, he won’t lead the cow.
As I drew my hand and was turning around,
Joanie Miller and some pipers came marching downtown.
The Queens and Ambassadors were loaded, ready to go,
The Lovebugs were honking, let’s get on with the show!
Kids were all dressed from their head to their toes
The firemen were ready, displaying their hose.
Mayor Warwick I said, the show must go on
Now grab the halter and stay off the lawn.
The Mayor of West Elgin, a right jolly old elf,
Lead the parade, despite of himself.
A wink of Judy’s eye and a twist of Al Carroll’s head,
Soon gave me to know I had nothing to dread.
The parade started moving and to the fairgrounds it went
Dale Peters and Al McGregor, announced the event.
The crowd cheered on as the participants waved
The 150th celebration, was no doubt saved!
Enjoy the Fair!
Written by: Jane McGregor
for the 150th Anniversary of the Rodney Fair
2024 Rodney Fair Class Lists
Hey Y’all,
We are sure everyone is excited to see what our 2023 class lists will be for this years fair exhibits. Check them out here!
Book and Entry Tag locations:
Rodney Post Office: 234 Furnival Rd, Rodney
Marg’s Variety: 240 Furnival Rd, Rodney
Rodney Market: 237 Furnival Rd, Rodney
West Elgin Community Health Centre: 153 Main St, West Lorne
West Lorne Foodland: 170 Main St, West Lorne
West Lorne Pharmacy: 229 Graham Rd, West Lorne
West Lorne Home Hardware: 232 Graham Rd, West Lorne
Dutton Foodland: 210 Currie Rd, Dutton
Highland Pharmacy: 172 Currie Rd, Dutton
Cotrac: 204 Currie Rd, Dutton
Crafts Plus: 174 Currie Rd, Dutton
and more…
Class 1 – Cattle
Superintendent: Alan Carroll – 519-768-2759
Sunday September 15, 2024 | 11am | Infield
Thanks to the following donors for their sponsorship:
Denfield Livestock Exchange – Bob Paterson
Alan Carroll – Judy Macuda – Alan & Lois Woolner
Dixon Feed Service – Waldorf Farms – West Elgin Accounting
Wallenstein Feed & Supply – Elgin Beef Farmers
There will be no registration using AssistExpo.
- All cattle to be on grounds and registered by 10:00 am.
- Note: the “Everyone Pays” policy applies. Everyone entering the Fair Grounds is required to pay admission.
- At any time a member of the Fair Executives may ask to see your 4-H Membership card.
- It is recommended that cattle stay on the Fair Grounds until 4:00pm.
- Cattle exhibiting fee: $5.00 entry fee per animal.
4H Inter-County Beef Calf Competition
Prize Sections 1-8: $40; $35, $30
All placings after 3rd receive $5.00
Prize Section 9 – Grand & Reserve Champion – $40; $30 and Rosettes
A. Junior Showmanship Special – Open to all non-4H Members aged 9 and under. May have help from a parent or other adult. No entry fee. Entries to be made prior to special. Each exhibitor to receive $5.00
1. Junior Heifer Calves, born between Jan 1, 2024 and Mar 31, 2024
2. Junior Yearling Heifers born Apr 1, 2023 and Dec 31, 2023
3. Senior Yearling Heifers born Jan 1, 2023 and Mar 31, 2023
4. Market Heifer
5. Market Steer
6. Junior Showmanship – 9-13 years as of Jan 1, 2024
7. Intermediate Showmanship – 14-17 as of Jan 1, 2024
8. Senior Showmanship – 18-21 years as of Jan 1, 2024
9. Grand and Reserve Champion Showman – top 2 entries from Sections 6, 7 & 8
Specials for ANY Youth
Prize Sections: $50; $45, $40; $25 (5th-15th $15)
10. For any individual, 16 years of age or younger (do not need to be a 4H Member and calves do not need to be owned by a showman or their family. May borrow a calf to show). Entries will be judged on 75% showmanship, 25% animal.
Open Breeding Cattle Classes – All breeds welcome
Prizes, Sections 11-18: $50; $45; $40; $35
11. Bull Calf – 2024
12. Bull – Apr 1, 2023 to Dec 31, 2023
13. Bull – Jan 1, 2023 to Mar 31, 2023
14. Heifer Calf – 2024
15. Female – Apr 1, 2023 to Dec 31, 2023
16. Female – Jan 1, 2023 to Mar 31, 2023
17. Female with calf at foot
18. Herd – both sexes represented
Prizes, Sections 19-20: $50; $40 and Rosette
19. Champion & Reserve Male
20. Champion & Reserve Female
Market Class
Prize Sections 21-23: $50; $45; $40; $35
21. Heavy Steers
22. Light Steers
23. Grade Heifer – any weight
Prize, Section 24: $50, $40 and Rosette
24. Champion & Reserve Market Animal
Class 2A – Field Crop Competition – Corn
Superintendent: Travis Roodzant – 519-719-7921
Minimum size of field – 5 acres
Your attention is directed to the rules and points awarded.
1. General Appearance – 20 pts
2. Weed Control – 20 pts
3. Uniformity of Stand – 15 pts
4. Plant Growth and Vigour – 10 pts
5. Freedom From Disease & Insects – 15 pts
6. Maturity – Uniformity & Size of Cobs – 15 pts
7. Exhibiting Fair – 6 Ears of Corn – 30 pts
Class 2B – Field Crop Competition – Soybeans
Superintendents: Travis Roodzant – 519-719-7921
Minimum size of field – 5 acres
Your attention is directed to the rules and points awarded.
1. General Appearance – 20 pts
2. Plant Growth – 20 pts
3. Freedom From Disease and Insect Injury – 20 pts
4. Uniformity of Pods and Size – 20 pts
5. Weed Control – 30 pts
6. Exhibiting Fair – 6 Stalks – Specials – 40 pts
Class 3 – Grain and Seed
Superintendent: Laura Smith – fordlaura1@gmail.com
Thanks to all of our sponsors for their contribution to the Fair!
All entries must be tagged and in the hall by 9:00 pm on Thursday September 12, 2024
Crop/grain must be from the current year (unless specified below).
Prizes, Sections 1-7: 1st – $30, 2nd – $25, 3rd – $15, 4th – $10
1. One quart of winter wheat in a glass jar, named
2. One quart of soybeans in a glass jar, named (can be 2023 crop)
3. One quart of corn in a glass jar, named (can be 2023 crop)
4. Six ears of corn, named
5. Six stalks of silage corn, named
6. Six stalks soybeans, named
7. Combined entry of 5 ears of corn and 5 stalks of soybeans
Prizes, Sections 8-10: 1st – $25, 2nd – $20, 3rd – $15, 4th – $10
8. Six stalks of soybeans
9. Six ears of corn
10. One quart of grain, mix of corn, soybeans, and wheat, in glass jar decorated to the Wild, Wild West Elgin Fair Theme (can be 2023 crop)
Class 4 – Fruits and Vegetables
Superintendent: Lynda Ford – 519-785-0559
All entries must be tagged and in the hall by 9:00 pm on September 12, 2024.
Only one entry per section. All produce must be grown locally.
Tips: Tomatoes should have the calyx left on.
Small vegetables to be shown on a disposable plate.
Vegetables should be uniform in size and shape.
Root crop tops trimmed to ½” above the crown.
Potatoes brushed clean, not washed. Onions cleaned, not peeled.
Prizes | Sections 1-32: 1st – $5, 2nd – $4, 3rd – $3
- Plate of 3 apples
- Plate of 3 pears
- Plate of 3 bunches of grapes – red or green
- Plums – one quart
- Raspberries – 1 pint
- Muskmelons – 2
- Watermelon – single
- Beans – 5 green
- Beans – 5 yellow
- Beets – 3 table
- Carrots – 5
- Parsnips – 3
- Cucumbers, slicing – 3
- Onions, Spanish – 3
- Onions, any other variety – 5
- Peppers, sweet – 3
- Peppers, jalapeno – 5
- Potatoes – 5 (variety named)
- Tomatoes, any table variety – 3
- Tomatoes, cherry – minimum 6 stem on
- Pumpkins – 2 pie pumpkins
- Squash, pepper – 2
- Squash, butternut – 2
- Squash, Hubbard – 2
- Squash, oddest shape
- Cabbage, green – 1
- Cabbage, red – 1
- Sunflower – largest head
- Garlic, any variety – 3 bulbs
- Ornamental Corn, 3 husked back and tied for hanging
- Largest and smallest vegetable from my garden (same type)
- Collection of 3 or more potted herbs, any container suitable for a deck or patio
- Decorative basket or other container using fruits and vegetables to depict the Fair theme. Not to exceed 40 cm. in any direction.
1st Prize: $20 donated by Norma and the late Duncan McPhail
- “Bee Special” a special to feature fruit and vegetables that need pollinators. May include honey and flowers. Arrangement should not exceed 40 cm in any direction.
1st Prize: $20 donated by Wiehle Honey
- A basket of fruit and vegetables ready to take to a friend.
1st Prize: $20 donated by the Superintendent of this Class
Special – The person with the most points in sections 1-32 will win a $50 gift certificate from Ace Country and Garden, Glencoe.
Class 5 – Art
Superintendent: Dan Balint 226-688-7839
- Art work must be an original exhibit for this Fair.
- Only one entry per person in each section.
- All paintings can be entered on framed canvas or regular frames without glass, and mounted with exhibitor tags attached.
- Please cover the artist’s name.
- No prize will be given if work is not worthy of a prize in a section.
- No paint by numbers or prints.
Prizes: Section 1-20 | 1st: $8, 2nd: $6, 3rd: $4
Oil or Acrylics
1. Miniature painting – any topic
2. Landscape
3. Waterscape
4. Abstract
5. Portrait
6. Still life
7. Animals
Water Colours
8. Miniature painting – any topic
9. Landscape
10. Waterscape
11. Portrait
12. Still Life
13. Animals
Pencil or Charcoal
14. Still Life
15. Wildlife
16. Portrait
17. Collage, all mediums accepted
18. Open Class, any media any type
19. Fair Theme “Wild Wild West Elgin” any medium
20. Cowboy hat and boots – any medium
Special Prize: $25 to the exhibitor that accumulates the most points in Sections 1 – 20. Prize generously donated by John and Gloria Zsoldos
Rules for West Elgin Secondary School Students only:
- Artwork on paper or framed canvas or frames WITHOUT glass
- No fee for WESS sections
- Please attach the exhibitors tag and cover the artist’s name
Prizes: Section 21-33 | 1st: $8, 2nd: $6, 3rd: $4
21. Still life drawing of 4 objects (black & white)
22. 1st person perspective scene (colour or black & white)
23. Historical proportion/human figure through time (colour or black & white)
24. Watercolour paintings
25. Symbolism, any medium
26. Matisse-inspired paper cut-outs
27. Collage
28. Multi-colour linocut prints
29. Surrealism oil paintings
30. Abstract expressionism (acrylic paint on board)
31. Painted mural (please take a photo of the mural to display)
32. Open Category – any medium or combination
33. Colour Drawing – any topic
Special Prize: $25 to the student that accumulates the most points in sections 21-33.
Prize generously donated by John and Gloria Zsoldos
Class 6 – Creative Crafts 
Superintendent: Kate Ireland – 226-456-1816
Sandra VanBreda, Trina Jensen
- All entries must be in the hall by Thursday, September 12th 2024 at 9pm
- Exhibitors may not have more than one entry per section. Only quilt work may be entered in alternate years.
- Judges will not allow any work that is soiled, defaced, or reused from previous Fair exhibitions. Homemade entries must be clean and up to date.
- In sections where there is no competition, unless the exhibit is worthy, no prize will be awarded.
- While every reasonable precaution will be taken to ensure the safety of articles submitted for judging, the exhibitors will assume all risks, and the Rodney Aldborough Fair is not responsible for damaged, lost, or stolen goods.
OAAS Quilt Competition
- The Ontario Association of Agricultural Societies (OAAS) has two Champion Quilt Competitions; Quilted Quilts and Machine Quilted Quilt/Wall Hanging
- All quilts must be at least 324” in order to be eligible to proceed to the next level of OAAS Competition
- Only first place quilts from the local Fairs will be eligible for competition at the district level
- To enter this competition, the Grand Champion Quilt must first compete in the District Quilt Competition in November. The first prize quilt is then entered in the OAAS Annual Convention, held in Toronto in February of the following year
- The exhibitor will retain ownership of the quilt at all levels of competition
- The hand-quilted quilt must be solely made and hand-quilted by an individual
- Please attach samples to every entry and include the name of the pattern
- Machine quilted articles must be solely made and machine quilted on a short-arm machine, as per OAAS regulations
- The use of domestic, mid-arm and/or long-arm equipment is permitted on hand- or computer-guided machine quilt entries
- The quilting must be through all three layers (top, batting, and back) and must not be mounted on a frame
- The quilt may have a sleeve attached to the back for the purposes of hanging the quilt
Helpful Hints:
- Attention should be given to the general appearance and design
- Keep the backing smooth and free of wrinkles
- A quilt or quilted article must have 3 layers: a front, a filling, and a back
- Keep stitches uniform and evenly spaced on both the front and back
- No pencil or stencil markings should be visible
- All points and corners should be mitered or rounded
- Please place tag in right hand corner
- If you do not want to leave your double-size + quilt entered into the Regional Competition, please state this clearly on the entry tag
Quilting and Blankets
Sections 1-8 | Prizes: 1st: $8, 2nd: $5, 3rd: $2
- Quilt, embroidered, pieced or hand-appliqued, hand quilted
- Ontario Agricultural Annual Champion Hand Quilt Competition
- Grand Champion from Section 1 is eligible
- Machine quilt, cotton pieced, quilted by exhibitor
- Machine quilt, pieced, quilted by exhibitor
- Machine quilt, appliqued, quilted by exhibitor
- Machine quilt, any design, commercially long-arm quilted, pieced by exhibitor
- Machine quilt, any design, long-arm quilted, pieced by exhibitor
- Machine quilt, wall hanging (ready to hang)
- Ontario Agricultural Annual Champion Machine Quilt Competition
- Grand Champion from sections 3-8 are eligible
Sections 10-28 | Prizes: 1st: $8, 2nd: $5, 3rd: $2
- Lap quilt – any type of quilting, approximately 50” x 65”
- Crazy quilt, any size
- Quilt themed for a boys or girls room, any size
- Quilt, machine quilted by exhibitor using long-arm (must be larger than a crib quilt)
- Quilt, top done by exhibitor, quilted by other
- Crib quilt, pieced, machine- or hand-quilted
- Quilt made of repurposed clothing
- Quilt wall hanging, any size (judged on workmanship)
- Scrappy quilt, made from leftover scraps, any size
- Embroidered quilt, any size
- Rag quilt, any size
- Quilt, preprinted cheater or panel, any size
- Attic treasure quilt, must be over 20 years old, any size (does not need to be quilted by exhibitor)
- Quilt top only, judged on workmanship
- One mounted quilt block
- Quilt, your choice
- Afghan, knitted
- Afghan, crocheted
- Cushion, quilted
Yarn and Fabric Crafts
Sections 29-46 | Prizes: 1st: $8, 2nd: $5, 3rd: $2
- Cushion, crocheted or knitted
- A stuffed toy, any size, crocheted or knitted
- A pair of potholders or oven mitts (fabric)
- Table runner or topper, any design
- A pair of dishcloths (2), crocheted or knitted
- Kitchen finger towel
- Any article made from recycled blue jeans (not large quilt)
- Hand-crafted tote/grocery bag (fabric)
- Something new made from something old (fabric)
- Handmade heating pad, any size (fabric)
- Door or draft stopper
- Sensory fidget blanket
- Any embroidered item
- Embroidery, mounted in hoop, any size
- Pillow case, handmade in fun fabric
- Handmade household cleaning item, knitted or crocheted
- Procrastinator: any craft that is not quite finished
- Any other yarn or fabric craft that is not listed
- Reduced, Reused, Recycled, Repurposed
- Western shirt turned into any accessory item
- Entries must be handmade and consist mostly or entirely of recycled and repurposed materials
- Entries must showcase the theme of the Fair: Wild WIld West Elgin
- Prizes: 1st: $10, 2nd: $8, 3rd: $5
Sections 49-61 | Prizes: 1st: $8, 2nd: $5, 3rd: $2
- Scarf, crocheted or knitted
- Cowl or infinity scarf
- A pair of slippers, any style
- Handmade pair of moccasins
- Mittens, any style
- Handmade vest, your choice
- A pair of socks, crocheted or knitted
- Poncho or shawl
- Handmade pet sweater, your choice
- Toque/hat, crocheted or knitted
- Fabric scrap apron, made entirely of leftover fabric
- Hand- or machine-stitched apron (fun fabric)
- Handmade tacky seasonal sweater, any season or holiday
- Any other apparel item not listed
- Hats Off To You!
- Hand-crafted or decorated Cowboy Hat
- Any medium accepted: painting, carving, decorations, etc.
- Entries must showcase the theme of the Fair: Wild Wild West Elgin
- Prizes: 1st: $10, 2nd: $8, 3rd: $5
Children & Baby
Sections 64-73 | Prizes: 1st: $8, 2nd: $5, 3rd: $2
- Hat or headband, any style
- Mittens, any style
- Baby outfit, minimum of two pieces
- Handmade children’s sensory book
- Baby blanket or receiving blanket
- Handmade article for baby shower
- Kids socks, crocheted or knitted
- Children’s slippers
- Handmade diaper bag
- Any other baby or children’s item not listed
Miscellaneous Crafts
Sections 73-89 | Prizes: 1st: $8, 2nd: $5, 3rd: $2
- Decorative wine bottle, any occasion
- Ceramic article, glazed
- Something useful from something useless
- Handmade metal sculpture (use of recycled materials is encouraged)
- Three handmade seasonal greeting cards (example: Christmas, Valentine’s, Easter)
- Three handmade greeting cards, your choice (example: sympathy, thinking of you)
- Jewellery, any method, handmade
- Handmade garden decoration
- Handmade bird feeder or bird house
- Handmade porch sign, minimum of 5’ tall
- Hand-crafted sign, not to exceed 18” x 24”
- Handmade wooden sculpture, carved or whittled
- Hand-crafted dreamcatcher
- Door wreath or hanger, your choice
- Tole painted article, your choice
- Any other craft, not otherwise listed
- Horse(shoe)in’ Around!
- Handmade sculpture made entirely of horseshoes
- Entries must showcase the theme of the Fair: Wild Wild West Elgin
- Prizes: 1st: $10, 2nd: $8, 3rd: $5
Special Category for our friends at Elgin St. Thomas Association for Community Living, Quad County Support Services, Retirement Villa, or any other similar establishment. Also included are developmentally and/or physically challenged Youth or Adult. There is no entry fee required for this category. 1st: $8, 2nd: $5, 3rd: $3
- Summertime/Canada Day themed centrepiece
- Themed centrepiece that showcases the Fair’s theme (Wild Wild West Elgin)
Donation Classes
Section 94-96 | Prizes: 1st: $8, 2nd: $5, 3rd: $2
- Handmade set of matched hat, mittens, and scarf
- All entries to be donated to Babcock Community Care Centre
- Handmade stuffed animal or toy, maximum 8” tall
- All entries to be donated to Four Counties Health Services
- Hand-crafted stained glass art, your choice (minimum 60% glass required)
- All entries to be donated to West Lorne Community Health Centre
Colouring Page
Please print and colour this page from the Prize Book and hand it in on Thursday, September 12th at the Rec Centre.
Good luck!
Class 7 – Flower Show 
Superintendent: Laura Kieraszewicz – 519-785-2092
Committee: Marjorie Prieksaitis, Roxanne Nethercott, Vicki Slack, Sarah Fraser
1. All entries in the hall on Thursday, Sept. 12th from 2 – 9 p.m.
2. Only 1 entry per section and from the exhibitor’s home garden.
3. Rules for judging are from ONTARIO JUDGING AND EXHIBITING STANDARDS, Second Edition, 2019. Copies of this can be found in the local libraries.
The Rodney-Aldborough Agricultural Society gratefully acknowledges Rodney and District Horticultural Society for funding prizes in Class 7.
Tips to Consider:
CONDITION: free of disease, insect damage, etc
FORM: proper shape for type of flowers
SUBSTANCE: fresh, not wilted or old
STEMS: strong and straight
PLEASE NOTE: the number of stems or blooms required in each section.
There are many tips for conditioning flowers, according to type. Please research your flower type for optimum quality. DO NOT USE COLOURED WATER IN YOUR CONTAINERS.
Although we make every effort to ensure the protection of all entries, we are not responsible for loss or damage to flowers or containers.
Prize Sections 1 – 20: $5, $4, $3
Cut Flowers
1. Marigold ,small, 5 blooms
2. Marigold, large, 3 blooms
3. Black-eyed Susans, (Rudbeckia) 5 blooms
4. Zinnia, 3 blooms
5. Snapdragons, 3 stems
6. Chrysanthemum, 1 spray
7. Salvia, any colour, 3 stems
8. Gladiolus, 1 spike
9. Sunflower, decorative type, 3 stems
10. Rose, red, own foliage attached
11. Rose, any other colour, own foliage attached
12. Hydrangea, 1 fresh bloom
13. Petunias, 3 stems
14. Sedum, 3 stems
15. Floating Flower Head, foliage optional, 1 bloom
16. Dahlias, small, 4” – 6”, 3 blooms
17. Flower not listed above, 3 stems
Potted Plants – owned by exhibitor minimum three months
18. A Collection of 3 or more herbs in one container. Max. pot size 12 inches.
19. Cacti or Succulent Plants, can be a grouping. Max. pot size 12 inches.
20. Favourite House Plant. Max. pot size 12 inches
Prize Sections 21 – 23: $6, $5, $4
Bouquets: a designed bunch of flowers/foliage in a suitable container
21. Dahlias
22. Hydrangea
23. Mixed Garden Flowers, 3 kinds or more
Prize Sections 24 – 27 $7, $6, $5
Arrangements / Design – Artistically arranged, suitable container, other plant material allowed NO SILK FLOWERS, NO DYED MATERIAL. PLEASE take note when size and dimensions are stipulated.
24. “Thanksgiving Gem” – a miniature design, not to exceed 5” in any direction.
25. “Variegated Greens” – a freestyle arrangement of variegated foliage in a jug.
26. “A Walk on the Wild Side” – an arrangement of vibrant coloured flowers and foliage in a suitable container.
27. “Small, Sharp and Spiky” – a small designed arrangement of flowers and plant material in an unusual container, not to exceed 10 inches in any direction.
Our THANKS to the donors of prizes in this section.
28. “Bowl Me Over” – An aromatic arrangement of fresh flowers and herbs, in a bowl suitable for a dining table.
Prizes: 1st place: $15 gift certificate, 2nd place: $10 gift certificate, both donated by the Decorating Diva, Rodney, 3rd place: A collection of fall bulbs for planting, donated by the Superintendent.
29. “Wild, West Elgin Wildflowers” – An arrangement of wildflowers, plants, and natural materials, in a container of your choice.
Prizes: 1st place: $15, 2nd place: $10, 3rd place: $5, donated by West Elgin Nature Trust
30. “Fall Fare” A Modern Mass design of fresh flowers and foliage in a basket. (A Modern Mass design uses groups (usually 3 to 5) of plant material. Each group is composed of one variety of plant material. Refer to Ontario Judging publication, page 144, for a full description of a modern mass design.
Prizes: 1st place: $15 gift certificate, 2nd place: $10 gift certificate and 3rd place: $5 gift certificate, donated by West Lorne Home Hardware
31. “Pretty as a Picture”- a “ Facing” (One Sided) arrangement in a pitcher for a side table
Prizes: 1st place: $15 gift certificate, 2nd place: $10 gift certificate and 3rd place: $5 gift certificate, donated by Green Street Landscaping, Rodney
32. “Proud to be a Canadian, Eh!” – a design using red and white flowers in a themed container.
Prizes: 1st place: $20, 2nd place: $15, 3rd place: $10, donated by Rodney and District Horticultural Society.
33. “Wild, Wild, West Elgin” A freestyle design featuring the Fair theme. Accessories Allowed.
Prizes: 1st place: $25, 2nd place: $15, 3rd place: $10, donated by Andrew and Laura Kieraszewicz
“BEST OF SHOW” – Judge’s Choice from the ENTIRE Flower Show
One Prize – $20 Gift Certificate from Erie Gardens, New Glasgow
170th Anniversary Penmanship Contest
T’was the day of the Fair, and all through the grounds,
No carnies were stirring, but the floats were in town.
The exhibits and entries, all displayed with great care
In the hopes that the people, would come to the Fair.
The children still nestled, all snug in their beds
While the directors were spinning, especially our Ted.
Deb the treasurer counting money, Nancy the secretary taking calls
Were both preparing for the rush, bouncing off the wall.
When out on the infield, there arose such a clatter,
I ran to the grandstand, to see what was the matter.
Dave Goos and then Pearson, they flew like a flash
John Tunks running behind wearing the Ambassador sash.
The sun brightly shining, on Rodney this day
Gave the notion we were going to have a great day.
When, what to my wondering eyes should appear.
But Brien Cornwall driving his green John Deere.
I don’t dare say he was old and not so quick,
But I know there was a problem as he looked so sick.
More rapid than eagles, his coursers they came
And he whistled and shouted and called them by name.
Now, Shawn, you Flemings now Steve, Dan and Delynne
Come on Trisha Greg & Christine, Melanie, Laura and Lyn(da)
To the Legion we go, and don’t dare fall
Now dash away! Dash away! Dash away all!
So up to the Legion, the coursers they flew
With the John Deere, the gator, and an extra few too.
What is the problem, Allan Woolner exclaimed
Bill Haven’s face looked so very pained.
It’s all wrong, said Bernie, I need your help now.
The Mayor is furious, he won’t lead the cow.
As I drew my hand and was turning around,
Joanie Miller and some pipers came marching downtown.
The Queens and Ambassadors were loaded, ready to go,
The Lovebugs were honking, let’s get on with the show!
Kids were all dressed from their head to their toes
The firemen were ready, displaying their hose.
Mayor Warwick I said, the show must go on
Now grab the halter and stay off the lawn.
The Mayor of West Elgin, a right jolly old elf,
Lead the parade, despite of himself.
A wink of Judy’s eye and a twist of Al Carroll’s head,
Soon gave me to know I had nothing to dread.
The parade started moving and to the fairgrounds it went
Dale Peters and Al McGregor, announced the event.
The crowd cheered on as the participants waved
The 150th celebration, was no doubt saved!
Enjoy the Fair!
Written by: Jane McGregor
for the 150th Anniversary of the Rodney Fair
Class 8 – Culinary Arts 
Superintendent: Melanie McLeod
Committee: Ann Smith, Marg Friedrich, Laurie Guest, Mary Popovich, Dionne Levesque
In the interest of a better product, Class 8 entries will be received at the hall on Friday, September 13, 2024, up to 1:00 pm only. This applies to Class 8 entries only. All other classes in the hall will be judged Friday before noon.
Culinary Arts is exhibited in the warm room.
Rules & Regulations | PLEASE READ
- One entry only per section, by membership only
- One entry card only per item
- At the judge’s request, all baking is to be in CLEAR plastic bags (no white bags) large enough for easy removal. No saran wraps or similar wrapping – OR DOMED LIDS CAN BE USED
- New! Zip-lock bags – attach tag to the bottom side corner of the bag (not on the top or zip-locked side
- PIES: To prevent soggy crusts, temper foil plates by puncturing holes in the bottom of the plate and bake the empty plate at 400° for 5 minutes, or lightly butter the bottom of the pie plate to make the crust brown. It is suggested that pies be placed on approx. 9” foil plates
- No store-bought pie crusts or tart shells, and no canned pie fillings
- Cakes displayed on foil-covered cardboard or plastic dome containers
- No cake, cookie or bread mixes and no sticky frosting (unless specified)
- No paper cups on muffins or cupcakes
- Loaves of bread should be approximately 8” x 4” x 3”
- Buns joined and rolls separated
Tip: Bake rolls in a muffin tin or separate on a flat pan. Rolls are single with unbroken sides and have a crust surrounding all sides.
- All baking items and specials need to be picked up on Saturday, September 14th from 4-6pm. Any items not picked up will be disposed of
- No unauthorised person(s) allowed in the area where judging is taking place
- In sections where there is only one entry, unless the entry is worthy, no prize will be awarded
- 2024 canned products only – Mason jars with new rings & snaps are to be used. No food colouring allowed
- In the event the 1st prize is not awarded, the 2nd place winner will be presented to the sponsor at the Judges’ discretion.
- OAAS District Competition Rules: If the exhibitor has won at more than one Fair, the one closest to the exhibitor’s home address is the Agricultural Society from which the entry will be sent to the district competition. The other agricultural societies may send their second-place winner into the district competition. An exhibitor may only enter one district competition.
- Rodney-Aldborough Fair Baking Champion is open to males or females winning the total points in Sections 1-5 and Sections 16-58
Points awarded: 1st: 3 points, 2nd: 2 points, 3rd: 1 point
1st Prize: $40 from RAAS and a gift certificate for a 1-hour massage from Julie Loveland
Runner-Up will receive a $40 gift certificate from Cindy Horvat, Unisex Hair Salon
- Rodney Aldborough Fair Junior Baking Champion is open to males or females (ages 12-21) entering at least 3 items in sections 6-15.
- Junior participants may enter in ALL categories but will be judged against adults. PLEASE MARK “JUNIOR” ON ENTRY CARD.
Points awarded: 1st: 3 points, 2nd: 2 points, 3rd: 1 point
1st Prize: $25 from RAAS and a $25 gift certificate donated by Norma and the late Duncan McPhail
Runner-Up will receive a $25 gift certificate donated by Norma and the late Duncan McPhail
- PLEASE NOTE: Junior Baking Specials, Canning, and Baking Specials have a 1st and 2nd prize only. The above Rules & Points apply to all entries.
Past President’s Special/Culinary Arts Superintendent – (Melanie McLeod)
1st Prize wins $25, item becomes property of Past President:
- Apple pie – 9” full top
- Oatmeal date-filled cookies, 1 dozen
Past Superintendent Special – (Ann Smith)
1st Prize wins $25, item becomes property of Past Superintendent:
- 9” x 13” pineapple carrot cake with cream cheese icing
SECTION B: OAAS COMPETITION – The winner will be asked to compete in the District 13 level in November.
- OAAS Butter Tart Competition: 1st prize – $20; 2nd prize – $15
All entries will be judged on appearance, taste, and texture of the item, as well as the overall creativity and presentation.
Rules: A total of 6 tarts will be required to be shown.
- Tarts must be on a clean, sturdy plate (no paper plates) inside of a clear, plastic bag with the exhibitor’s name, mailing address, and Fair represented.
- The size of the tarts must be full-size tarts (no mini or bite-size tarts) and must not contain fruit or nuts (i.e., no raisins, no pecans).
- OAAS Chocolate Chip Cookie Competition 1st prize – $10; 2nd prize – $5
Open to youth up to 15 years old (as of December 31 of the current year).
Rules: A total of 6 plain chocolate chip cookies will be required to be shown.
- Cookies must be on a clean, sturdy plate (no paper plates) inside of a clear, plastic bag with the exhibitor’s name, mailing address, and Fair represented.
- Plain chocolate chip cookies, with no nuts, must be no larger than 2.5″ (6.5 cm) and no smaller than 2″ (5 cm).
For Section C, no mixes are allowed.
Sections 6-15: Prizes | 1st: $10, 2nd: $6
- Chocolate chip cookies (4)
- Plain Rice Krispy squares – 2” squares (4)
- Banana muffins – Plain (4)
- Peanut butter cookies (4)
- Chocolate brownies – Uniced – 2” squares (4)
- Cinnamon Buns – Iced
- Blueberry muffins – Plain (4)
- Sugar cookies (4)
- Apple pie – 9” Full top (spiced)
- White bread from Bread Machine
Only mason jars with new rings and rubbers to be used.
Sections 16-25: Prizes | 1st: $10, 2nd: $6
- Strawberry jam – not less than 8 oz. cooked
- Peach jam – not less than 8 oz. cooked
- Hot dog relish – 1 pint
- Chili sauce – 1 pint
- Apple sauce – 1 pint
- Raspberry jam – 1 pint
- Sweet pickles – 1 pint
- Dill pickles – 1 pint
- Pickled beets – 1 pint
- Red Pepper Jelly – 1 pint
- The 1st place entry is the property of the sponsor, whose name is in brackets
- All baking items must be picked up anytime between 4:00pm to 6:00pm on Saturday of the Fair
- Any item not picked up will be disposed of
Sections 26-27: Prizes | 1st: $20, 2nd: $5
- Chocolate Chip cookies (Diana Wright)
- Pumpkin loaf – Spiced (Louise Bittermann)
Sections 28-37: Prizes | 1st: $25, 2nd: $5
Please note: Rule E to cook the bottom pie crust thoroughly.
- Raisin pie – Full top (Mary Mylrea)
- 1 dozen butter tarts – With nuts (Jill Soos)
- 1 dozen rum & raisin tarts (Marg Friedrich)
- 1 dozen pecan tarts (Larry McGahan)
- 1 dozen oatmeal date-filled cookies (John Johnson)
- 9” x 9” brownies with creative topping, include recipe (Lise Van Dyk)
- Zucchini loaf (Taraesa Tellier)
- Chocolate chiffon cake – Iced (Barb McFadden)
- Elderberry pie (Brad & Joanne Reive)
- Peach pie (Brad & Joanne Reive)
Sections 38-50: Prizes | 1st: $30, 2nd: $5
Please note: Rule E to cook the bottom pie crust thoroughly.
- Raspberry/Rhubarb pie (Bill Denning)
- Approximate 9×9 banana cake – Iced (Bill Denning)
- Apple Pie – Lattice top (Shelley Smith)
- Raspberry Pie (Shawn Gillis)
- Approximate 9×9 carrot cake (Taraesa Tellier)
- Pecan pie (Dianne Downie)
- Sugarless pumpkin pie (Brien Cornwall)
- Sugarless apple pie – Spiced (Brien Cornwall)
- Blueberry pie (Dionne Levesque)
- Pecan pie (Chris Morton)
- Pecan pie (Cynthia Roodzant)
- 9×9 cake made with honey (Bernie Wiehle)
- Red velvet cake with cream cheese icing (Lise Van Dyk)
Sections 51-52: Prizes | 1st: $25, 2nd: $5
- GF Loaf of bread (Melanie Docherty)
- GF Chocolate chip cookies (Melanie Docherty)
Sections 53-54: Prizes | 1st: $30, 2nd: $5
- GF Pound cake, any flavour – (Laura Kieraszewicz)
- GF Cupcakes – ½ vanilla with Chocolate icing & ½ Chocolate with vanilla icing, no eggs – 1 dozen (Nathan McLeod)
- The 1st place entry is the property of the sponsor, whose name is in brackets
- If no entry is made, the money given as special prizes will be considered a donation to the Fair Board
Sponsored by: Beary Blue Acres (Dennis & Sandra Fischer)
- Best blueberry muffins (4) – 1st Prize – $10
- Best blueberry jam (1 pint) – 1st Prize – $10
- Best blueberry pie – 1st Prize – $30
Class 9 – Farm Display
Class 10 – Antiques and Collectibles
Superintendent: June Ford – june.ford@live.ca
Rules & Regulations:
a) Antiques must be at least 50 years old.
b) Exhibitors may not enter more than 1 entry in each section.
c) Exhibitors should own articles exhibited.
d) Historical interest and approximate age of entry would be appreciated but is not necessary for a prize.
e) Each exhibitor is requested to keep a list of articles exhibited as a check at the close of the Fair.
f) All showcases will be locked for exhibitor’s protection. Larger items will be outside showcases.
g) In Fairness to other exhibitors, dealers in antiques will not be eligible to compete.
h) Articles to be removed from cases by Directors only, for safety.
i) All tickets must be securely fastened to the article exhibited.
NOTE: We will do our utmost to return all antiques in the condition in which you bring them; however, all antiques are exhibited at the owner’s risk.
Prizes | 1st: $3, 2nd: $2, 3rd: $1
1. (Davy Crockett) coonskin hat
2. Sheriff’s badge
3. Spurs
4. Coal oil lamp
5. Powder horn
6. Fountain (or quill) pen
7. Medicine bottle
8. Picture of an old fashioned barn raising
9. Washboard
10. Clothes iron (before electric)
11. 3 gentlemens’ shaving items
12. Letter with envelope (postmark showing)
13. Stump the Judge (identify the item in a sealed envelope)
Class 13 – Junior Fair 
Superintendent: Kelly-Anne Moar – kymoar@live.ca
The Rodney Aldborough Agricultural Society gratefully acknowledges the Elgin Federation of Agriculture for helping sponsor the Junior Fair.
Please read the rules carefully.
- One entry only by each pupil in any one class.
- All work must be that of the exhibitor (except in the 6 & under section) and not have been previously exhibited at The Rodney Aldborough Fair.
- All entries to be brought to the hall between 4:00 pm and 9:00 pm on Thursday September 12th, 2024.
- Open to members 18 years of age and under as of The Rodney Aldborough Fair dates, noting ages where specified.
Prince & Princess Contest:
Sponsored by Lorne & Cindy VanBreda of VanBreda Construction and Donna Miller. Winners will receive a special gift donated by Suzanne from the Pure Soap Studio!
The individual girl & boy in Grades 1 to 4, (as of Sept. 2024), who succeeds in collecting the most points in the Junior Fair Section will receive $25.00.
Points awarded (1st – 5 points, 2nd – 4 points, 3rd – 3 points)
Announcement to Parents: Parents are urged to allow the children to do the work and preparation of the exhibits without assistance (unless otherwise noted). Encourage them in every way, but remember that every bit of work you do for them helps to defeat the object of the Junior Fair.
Prize section 1-63: 1st – $3, 2nd – $2, 3rd – $1
For Children six and under as of Sept 2024
- Wild West sunset finger painting scene.
- Play dough cowboy/cowgirl hat or boot.
- Crayon drawing of your family.
- Make a picture using elements found in nature (seeds, leaves, sticks etc).
For Children ages seven – nine as of Sept, 2024
- Colour a page from a colouring book, mounted on construction paper.
- Build a LEGO Marble Run
- Draw a picture of your pet, or a favourite animal.
- A handmade Rodeo Horse or Cowboy/Cowgirl sock puppet.
For Children ages ten – twelve as of Sept, 2024
- Create a rustic Wild West themed welcome sign.
- Birdhouse – decorated, handmade from recyclables
- Create a picture using seeds, grains or beans depicting a fall scene.
- Pencil sketch – any subject.
For Children ages thirteen – fifteen as of Sept, 2024
- Build a 3D popsicle Barn on a sturdy base, not to exceed 15” in any direction.
- Create a split picture by cutting any picture in half and recreate the missing half.
- Painting acrylic – any subject.
- Make a tie dyed article.
For Children ages sixteen — eighteen as of Sept, 2024
- Pencil sketch – 8 1?2” x 11”.
- Animal
- Portrait
- Scenic
- An original work of art, any media, ready to be hung, not to exceed 30” in any direction.
- Create a wanted poster with details and a sketch of the suspect.
Past President’s Elementary School special (ages 4-11)
Prizes 1st – $15, 2nd – $10, 3rd – $5, 4th – $3.
The 1st and 2nd prize entries become property of the sponsor. “Kids to make, parents to melt/cook”
For Children six and Under as of Sept, 2024
- One (1) decorated cookie (decoration only judged).
- Make an edible necklace.
- Homemade trail mix in a zip-lock bag.
For Children ages seven – nine as of Sept, 2024
- Three brownie squares (no nuts), approximately 1” square.
- Three (3) cupcakes with edible decorations (decorations are judged only).
- Five (5) sugar cookies.
For Children ages ten –twelve as of Sept, 2024
- Five (5) decorated cupcakes with the Fair theme.
- Three (3) decorated Rice Krispie Sheriff stars with added flair such as candy, chocolate, sprinkles etc.
- Five (5) pieces of chocolate fudge.
For Children ages thirteen – fifteen as of Sept, 2024
- Three (3) decorated cupcakes with the Fair theme (decorations are judged only).
- Three (3) banana chocolate chip muffins.
- Five (5) brownies with icing. No nuts.
For Children ages sixteen — eighteen as of Sept, 2024
- Homemade pretzel.
- Caramel popcorn, 1 cup, sealed in a ziplock bag.
- Plate of 3 edible items dipped in chocolate (please name the food items if not visible).
Reminder: open to children 18 & under – be sure entry tags are securely attached.
Note: be sure to name variety when asked. When exhibiting flowers, a bud is considered a bloom.
- Container Herb Garden.
- Wedding Bouquet for a Farmer’s daughter
- “Gardeners Delight” – an arrangement of wild flowers & weeds arranged in a watering can.
- Country Bouquet: an arrangement of fall flowers in a tin can.
- Green Thumb: an arrangement of flowers and greenery
- Snapdragons, 3 stems.
- Gladiolus, 1 spike.
- Zinnias, 3 blooms, over 4“.
- Zinnias, 3 blooms, under 4“.
- Largest sunflower – head only.
- Marigolds in a theme container.
Reminder: open to 18 & under – be sure entry tags are securely attached.
- Largest Beet.
- Largest Carrot.
- Largest Zucchini.
- Gourds displayed in a basket.
- Arrangement of six different vegetables, arrangement to count.
- Best pumpkin dressed as a Sheriff.
Irene Kriter Special 1st – $6, 2nd – $5, 3rd – $4
- Best decorated scarecrow, not to exceed 48 inches.
Class 14 – Photography 
Superintendent: Jenna Lebedz – jennacaughell@gmail.com
1. Each photo must be mounted separately, suitably displayed on bristol board, cardboard, etc.
2. Matte should measure 25cm (10 inches) high and not more than 20cm (8 inches) wide. These sizes are mandatory or photos will not properly display in units. Only photos properly mounted will be displayed.
3. Only one entry per person per section.
4. Photos may be a product of a camera, cell phone or tablet.
5. Open to all photographers except those whose main profession is photography.
6. Must be taken by the exhibitor and can not have been shown in previous Rodney Aldborough Fairs.
6. Please place the entry tag in the lower right hand corner close to the picture for display purposes.
7. All entries must be delivered to the hall by Thursday September 12th, at 9:00 pm.
Every effort will be made to protect photos from potential damage.
Please note that The Rodney Aldborough Agricultural Society is not responsible for damage that may occur to photos submitted.
Prizes: Sections 1-20 | 1st: $5, 2nd: $4, 3rd: $3
- Water and ice
- All things YELLOW
- The Perfect Pet!
- Summertime Sunshine
- It Happened at the Fair
- Small Town Pride
- Home Sweet Home
- Welcome to the World, Little One
- Splish Splash
- Jumping in the Puddles
- Brilliant Blossoms
- After the Rain
- “Abandoned”
- Game On
- Big Round Bales in a Farmers Field
- Fair Theme – Wild Wild West Elgin
- What is it?
- Black and White Photo of Children at Play
- Mother Nature
- A Birds Eye View
Prizes: Sections 21-27 | 1st: $25, 2nd: $15, 3rd: $10
- NEAR AND FAR: 2 photos. 1st a close up of an object not recognizable. 2nd the object from father away.
Prizes sponsored by: Love in My Jar Photography
- JUST A KID WITH THEIR PET(S): A picture of a child enjoying time with their pet.
Prizes sponsored by: Love in My Jar Photography
- WHAT I SEE OUT MY BACK DOOR: A photo depicting the view from the comfort of your own home.
Prizes sponsored by: Love in My Jar Photography
- SEASON BY SEASON: 4 photos of the same thing or location in each of the 4 different seasons.
Prizes sponsored by: Love in My Jar Photography
- FARM FAMILY FUN: 3 photos depicting rural family life
Prizes sponsored by: TJ Farms – Trena & Pete Jeffery
- REFLECTIONS: A shot captured using any reflective surface such as water, glass, metal or mirrors.
Prizes sponsored by: Jodie Aldred Photography
- OUT WITH THE OLD, IN WITH THE NEW: 2 photos. One from years ago* and a second taken recently – trying to recreate that same shot.
Prizes sponsored by: Jodie Aldred Photography
Shutterbug Specials (Only for entrants aged 14 and under)
Prizes: Sections 28-30 | 1st: $10, 2nd: $3, 3rd: $2
- My Friends and I
Prizes sponsored by: Jodie Aldred Photography
- My Happy Place
Prizes sponsored by: Jodie Aldred Photography
- Waggin’ Tails
Prizes sponsored by: Jodie Aldred Photography
Class 15 – Parade 
Superintendent: Sandra VanBreda – 519-619-9631
Saturday September 14, 2024 | Start time – 11:00 am
Proudly Sponsored by The Rodney Aldborough Agricultural Society
- Rain or shine
- Parade registration to start at 10am on the track
- All parade participants must be registered by 10:30am
- Judging will take place at 10:30am SHARP
- All entries must be in place, set up, and riders must remain in place until judging is complete – Entries WILL NOT be judged if participants are NOT IN PLACE
- Any float may only enter in one class
- Parade leaves the Fairgrounds at 11am
- The RAAS assumes NO responsibility for accidents or loss of any kind
Sections 1-2 | Prizes: 1st – $60, 2nd – $40, 3rd – $30
- Themed Youth Floats – youth, families, or service clubs (i.e. Scouts, 4-H, teams, schools)
- Themed Commercial Floats
Sections 3-5 | Prizes: 1st – $10, 2nd – $5, 3rd – $2
- Best themed decorated bicycle, with or without a wagon – Ages 1-7
*All bike riders under the age of 18 are required to wear a helmet*
- Best themed decorated bicycle, with or without a wagon – Ages 8-14
*All bike riders under the age of 18 are required to wear a helmet*
- Best themed decorated person and pet
Sections 6-8 | Prizes: 1st – $20, 2nd – $10, 3rd – $5
- Best group in a themed costume (3+ people)
- Best horse and rider, decorated in theme
*All horse riders under 18 must wear a helmet and be accompanied by an adult*
- Best car or truck, decorated in theme
Exhibition only – no trophies or judging in this section
- New cars or trucks, dealers only
- Transport trucks
- Fire trucks
- Antique cars and trucks
- Antique tractors and equipment
All non-winners in the youth classes will receive $1 for participating in the parade.
Class 17 – Demolition Derby
Superintendent: Peter Jeffery – (226) 980-7650
Date: Friday, September 13th, 2024 | Time: 7:00 pm
RAAS Presents:
Guaranteed $3000 plus purse, $1000 per class
Don’t miss the Exhibition Kids Power Wheels class!
Entry Fee: $50 per vehicle in classes 1-3 and $100 per vehicle for class 4 (full size). Entries will be accepted up to 6:00 pm
All cars, drivers and pit crew are to enter at the Queens Line entrance near the Recreation Centre
Car Inspection: Begins at 4:00 pm | Start of Derby: 7:00pm | Final Heat: 10:00 pm (approx.)
Classes: 1st and 2nd place trophies for all classes
- Figure Eight | $1000
- Mini Smash | $1000
- Mid size | $1000
- Full size | $1000 (depending on number of entries)
- Exhibition Kids Power Wheels
Reach out to Ontario Demolition as they will entertain other classes if there are enough guaranteed entries to run an additional class.
Rules and Regulations:
- Each driver must complete an entry form
- All drivers must supply their own cars
- Each driver must be of legal age in Ontario (18 years) and must hold a valid Driver’s Licence
- The track promoter and Rodney Aldborough Agricultural Society reserve the right to approve or reject any and all entries
- Only owners, drivers, and mechanics (pit crew), who sign the Release sheet, will be permitted in the pit area. Bracelets will be provided to those people only.
- No cars are permitted in the competition area before the heat they are to participate in.
- The promoter, track owners, or Rodney Aldborough Agricultural Society will not be held responsible for any cars, parts or personal property before, during or after the show.
Vehicle Entry Rules and Regulations:
Please see ONTARIO DEMOLITION DERBY website or visit their Facebook page for all entry rules: www.ontariodemoderby.com
During the Running of the Derby Classes:
- A safety belt, Z-90 approved helmet and approved goggles (all goggles and face shields must be clear in colour) for eye protection is mandatory.
- Deliberate hits to the driver’s door will result in disqualification.
- Vehicles must be dependable and have sufficient brakes at all times. Boundaries must be observed.
- No consumption of alcoholic beverages on track, emergency vehicle area or in the pit area. Any driver or pit crew member under the influence of drugs or alcohol will be disqualified and removed from the grounds
- A vehicle will be disqualified if the driver’s door comes open during a heat
- The track officials will enforce a time limit for restarts and making competitive contact with another car. Hits must be aggressive. Simple contact within the time limit does not constitute combat and could be considered sandbagging.
- All cars are to be removed from the Fairgrounds by 9am September 14th or they will become the property of the RAAS and the official’s will have them removed unless otherwise notified at the Driver’s Meeting. A removal deposit may be required in some instances.
- Anyone in the pit area must be 18 years or older
- Anyone without a Pit Pass found associated with a car in the pit area or ring will result in the car being disqualified.
- Only Officials and Drivers of the derby cars are allowed in the ring.
Additional safety regulations may be imposed depending on the track
- The derby will be composed of individual classes (see list above)
- Cash prizes and trophies will go to the First and Second place winners of each class
- Rules and Classes are subject to change without notice according to the ONTARIO DEMOLITION DERBY promoters and the RAAS.
- All cars are to be removed from the Fairgrounds by 9am September 14th.
Class 18 – Truck Pull – 4X4 Trucks & Street Diesel
Superintendent: Pete Jeffery, 226-980-7650
Committee: Travis Roodzant, Dan Balint
Saturday September 14, 2024 — Time: 6:00 pm
General Non-Circuit Rules
1. Classes will be competing for prize(s) only, no points to be awarded. The promoter will determine all prizes. Competitors outside of West Elgin are welcome!
2. Must pay registration fee.
3. Must be registered prior to the start of pull.
4. Must be present in the staging area when class is called.
5. Max speed in the pit/track area is 10 km/h, speeding will result in disqualification.
6. No alcohol to be consumed prior to pulling.
7. Track officials have the right to disqualify any participants.
8. All general Good Times Truck Pullers rules apply to classes.
9. All weights must be securely fastened.
10. Trucks must burn stock fuel.
Additional Truck Rules
11. Trucks must be street legal, licensed, and insured for the road.
12. Hitch is to be the rear most point of the truck.
13. Muffler must be attached.
14. Added weights must be secure in a box or flatbed, no weight allowed in the cab. No weights mounted forward of the stock bumper and/or grill.
15. Driver must hold a valid Drivers License.
16. No passengers allowed in vehicles – drivers only.
Class 19 – Stock Tractor Class
Superintendent: Peter Jeffery, 226-980-7650
Committee: Travis Roodzant, Dan Balint
Saturday September 14, 2024 | After 6:00 pm
Sponsored by D’Hondt Custom Application Service Inc.
Stock out of the field, Maximum weight 16,000lbs
Stock out of the field, Maximum weight 24,000lbs
(4WD tractors eligible, must not engage FWA)
Must pay registration fee and be registered prior to the start of the pull
1. Must be 18 or older to compete.
2. Competitors must be the owner of the tractor, or have written consent from the owner to compete.
3. No riders allowed.
4. Hitch height must not exceed 22”, measured on the top surface of the hitching device.
5. Front weights not to exceed 48” ahead of the tractor frame.
6. Weights cannot protrude past rear tires.
7. Weights must be securely fastened. Loss of ballast will result in disqualification.
8. No loaders or blades.
9. No weights in the cab or on the operator’s platform.
10. No support straps or chains from the drawbar to a higher point on the tractor.
11. Duals allowed, no triples.
12. All general Good Times Truck Pullers Association rules apply to classes.
– Maximum of 16,000 lbs class
- Prizes to be determined
– Maximum of 24,000 lbs class
- 1st – $250 off of a load of mushroom mulch
- 2nd – $175 off of a load of mushroom mulch
- 3rd – $100 off of a load of mushroom mulch
- $50 off of a load of mushroom mulch for remaining top 10 competitors
Rules are subject to change or be updated prior to the event.
Please pre-register with Peter after Sept 1st 2024 at (226) 980-7650
General Non-circuit rules:
1. Classes will be competing for prize(s) only, no points awarded.
2. Must pay registration fee.
3. Must be registered prior to the start of the pull.
4. Must be present in the staging area when class is called.
5. Max speed in the pit/track area is 10 km/h, speeding will result in disqualification.
6. No alcohol to be consumed prior to pulling.
7. Track officials have the right to disqualify any participants.
8. All competitors must wear a seatbelt and helmet.
9. All general Good Times Truck Pullers Association rules apply to classes.
Prizes to be determined.
Please pre-register with Peter after September 1st 2024 at (226) 980-7650
Class 20 – Rodney Fair Road Race
Superintendent: Kelly-Anne Moar – kymoar@live.cam
The Rodney Fair Road Race
Join us on Sunday, September 15, 2024, for our 4th annual Fun Run.
Runners will receive a free day pass with their registration.
Race Day Instructions
- 8:30-9:30 › Registration Open for bib pick up at the Rodney Recreation Centre, 135 Queen Street Rodney,
- 9:30 › Youth races 1.5k and 800m Fun Run
- 10:00 › 10k and 5k Run Start followed by the 5K walk.
We have chip timing this year. Chip time is the official time.
Register online on Race Roster for early bird pricing by Friday, September 13th.
10K Run – $40.00
- $45.00 (Sep. 14 – Sep. 15) Inperson registration.
5K run – $35.00
– $40.00 (Sep. 14 – Sep. 15) Inperson registration.
5K walk – $35.00
– $40.00 (Sep. 14 – Sep. 15) Inperson registration.
1.5 K Youth race (12 and under)
- – $10.00
Free Fun run 800 m (8 and under)
10K Student – $25
5K Student – $25
Online Registrations via AssistExpo
Box 130, Rodney, Ontario, N0L2C0 | Email: RodneyAldboroughAgSociety@outlook.com
Hold Harmless Agreement:
I, ___________________ (name of exhibitor) shall indemnify and Hold Harmless the Rodney Aldborough Agricultural Society, their members, agents and employees for and against all claims losses, costs, damages, suit or proceeding any third parties that may arise out of, or may attribute to, all operations performed by or carried out by the Rodney Aldborough Agricultural Society, its agents, employees or servants, or anyone for whose acts it may be held liable, howsoever caused.
NAME | |
Signature of Exhibitor: __________________________________________________
Date: __________________________________________________
I hereby certify that the above entries are made in accordance with the rules in the Prize List
New Club Alert!
Elgin County 4-H Dairy Club
Open to those 9-21 years old, you do not need to be from a farm to join (a leader will help pair the member with a calf from a local farm)
Meetings take place at Farms within Elgin County
Members will learn: the ins and outs of dairy farming, how to care and clip their 4-h calf, how to lead and show a calf, how to judge a cow etc.
First Meeting: April 30th, Mistyglen Holsteins, 7:30pm
E-mail: elgincounty4h@gmail.com
Visit 4-H Elgin County on Facebook to see more.