Rodney Aldborough Agricultural Society

170th Anniversary Penmanship Contest

170th Anniversary Penmanship Contest

T’was the day of the Fair, and all through the grounds, 

No carnies were stirring, but the floats were in town.

The exhibits and entries, all displayed with great care

In the hopes that the people, would come to the Fair.

The children still nestled, all snug in their beds

While the directors were spinning, especially our Ted.

Deb the treasurer counting money, Nancy the secretary taking calls

Were both preparing for the rush, bouncing off the wall.

When out on the infield, there arose such a clatter,

I ran to the grandstand, to see what was the matter.

Dave Goos and then Pearson, they flew like a flash

John Tunks running behind wearing the Ambassador sash.

The sun brightly shining, on Rodney this day

Gave the notion we were going to have a great day.

When, what to my wondering eyes should appear.

But Brien Cornwall driving his green John Deere.

I don’t dare say he was old and not so quick,

But I know there was a problem as he looked so sick.

More rapid than eagles, his coursers they came

And he whistled and shouted and called them by name.

Now, Shawn, you Flemings now Steve, Dan and Delynne

Come on Trisha Greg & Christine, Melanie, Laura and Lyn(da)

To the Legion we go, and don’t dare fall

Now dash away! Dash away! Dash away all!

So up to the Legion, the coursers they flew

With the John Deere, the gator, and an extra few too.

What is the problem, Allan Woolner exclaimed

Bill Haven’s face looked so very pained.

It’s all wrong, said Bernie, I need your help now.

The Mayor is furious, he won’t lead the cow.

As I drew my hand and was turning around, 

Joanie Miller and some pipers came marching downtown.

The Queens and Ambassadors were loaded, ready to go,

The Lovebugs were honking, let’s get on with the show!

Kids were all dressed from their head to their toes

The firemen were ready, displaying their hose.

Mayor Warwick I said, the show must go on

Now grab the halter and stay off the lawn.

The Mayor of West Elgin, a right jolly old elf,

Lead the parade, despite of himself.

A wink of Judy’s eye and a twist of Al Carroll’s head,

Soon gave me to know I had nothing to dread.

The parade started moving and to the fairgrounds it went

Dale Peters and Al McGregor, announced the event.

The crowd cheered on as the participants waved

The 150th celebration, was no doubt saved!

Enjoy the Fair!

Written by: Jane McGregor

for the 150th Anniversary of the Rodney Fair

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